My rating: 5 of 5 stars
And Jeffrey Archer does it again!
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”
Giving anything away of its synopsis would be an injustice to others. So I'll only talk about what I felt throughout the book.
Well, to start with, This Was Fabulous.
Since the first few words to the ending, it was a roller coaster ride.
There was no stopping to the adventurous expedition I had with the last series by Jeffrey Archer.
What I found extremely striking about the author's writing was that he first gets his readers surrounded with the thoughts of only his characters and one by one, he asks you to choose your comrade among them.
Whether you are selecting them or they are choosing you is still a matter to be pondered upon.
There is always a bit to say about the way the writer accumulates everything in the climax. Beautiful thing was that even if you might have been thinking about some other endings, you will finally be satisfied with the author's perspective. Atleast I was.
In presenting the various features of the characters, the author is impeccable.
All of them are likable in their own way. As one goes on reading the series, chapters after chapter, he sees himself getting dissolved in the flawless fabrication weaved by the author.
Slowly and carefully, he unfolds the story before you.
This series would be definitely my suggestion to anyone I meet.
I'm yet to get out of the shocks and thrills I had when I came across the twisting secrets and exciting events.
One thing is for certain : Archer never disheartens his readers.
The way he carries the readers' attention cannot be matched.
My advice to the readers who have never read anything of Jeffrey would be to read the first parts of this series before this one and your favorite thriller/drama writer would be decided then and there.
Verdict : I felt short of adjectives for this one. What else can I say!
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